Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Choose Joy

"He who loves silver will not be satisfied with silver; nor he who loves abundance with increase."You cannot buy or win happiness. You must choose it.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sometimes life seems slow...

No picture but more fence is up. The one that parallels the back fence. The peach tree is blooming and rhubarb is starting to send up leaves. It's January!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Early Morning Tea

I'm awake earlier than normal this morning so I think I'll have a quiet cup of tea.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


So nice to make dinner in a clean kitchen.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Bosch Slicer Shredder

I'd post a picture but I have work to do. Today on my way home I decided to stop for a few minutes at the Salvation Army store. I walked right to it thinking it was a Cuisinart food processor. Then as I was about to walk away I saw Bosch on the box and realized what I was looking at was a 120 dollar attachment for the Bosch for 5 dollars. It is almost new. In perfect shape! What a find! 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Chicken Coop Party

On Saturday, January 11 you are invited to a Coop Birthday Party. No presents needed. Just your help getting the chicken coop and pen ready for chickens is your present. 

Plenty of work available:
Cleaning coop
Making nesting box
Installing fencing 
Coop repair
Branch removal

Please let me know if we can count on you. It may rain then maybe we can work on Sunday. For now the plan is 1:00 to 5:00. "Workers get sodas" and of course birthday "food".

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Garden Gate

We're making progress. We got the supports up on the posts for the garden gate.